Back to Basics: Pantry Staples – Tinned Fruit

Now we’ve been dealing with the Virus That Shall Not Be Named for over a year now, I feel like I may be somewhat late to the table with this advice. However, I feel that there may be a few people out there who have decided the drive-through and Uber Eats Lyfe is no longer…

Recipe Post: Eggnog Fudge

I’ve always loved eggnog; however, my taste for eggnog has never really matured past childhood. If you want to please me during Christmastime (and Christmas ONLY, no other time of year for the ‘nog for me!), then buy me a container. But not the fancy schmancy kind, or dare I say make-your own filled with…

Recipe Post: Honeycomb Toffee and Vegan Sponge Candy

This candy is a lot of fun to make, and the payoff is SO WORTH IT, but it does require a candy thermometer for best results, and it’s also DANGEROUS AS HECK to make, so not a good choice for a group project by families of youngsters. I’ve included a recipe for both the regular…