Recipe Post: Shepherd’s/Cottage Pie, Two Ways

I’ve written before about one of my favourite meals to both make and eat, Shepherd’s Pie (which yes, I know is a cottage pie as it uses ground beef not lamb, but let’s not argue, kids). However, I’ve made a few changes to my tried-and-true recipe and so please see my updated recipe below. In…

Recipe Post: One-Dish Cheesy Pork Chop and Rice Casserole

With the at-home situation being what it is these days, my spouse and I have got into the habit of playing online games on Sunday afternoons with our friends; it keeps our social tank from emptying too quickly and we enjoy the creative outlet. However, we start fairly early in the evening, so Sunday dinners…

Recipe Post: Chicken/Chik’n Stir-fry

I can’t believe that I waited so long to make this delicious meal. It took me watching numerous YouTube videos of Asian street food (kinda my relaxation jam these days) to sorta tweak my interest in making this simple stir-fry for ourselves. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve made stir-fries before, but they were never that…

Back to Basics: Pantry Staples – Tinned Fruit

Now we’ve been dealing with the Virus That Shall Not Be Named for over a year now, I feel like I may be somewhat late to the table with this advice. However, I feel that there may be a few people out there who have decided the drive-through and Uber Eats Lyfe is no longer…

Recipe Post: Brown Rice-Lentil Patties

Ok, ok, don’t walk away! These actually taste *good*, even if you’re an unrepentant carnivore. I’m hardly one to proselytize the health benefits of a completely meat-free lifestyle, considering I still consume dairy and eggs from time to time, and I still require a daily B12 supplement. However, sometimes, eating something that wasn’t mooing, clucking…

Recipe Roundup: Bell Peppers

With global food logistics and the expansion of greenhouses in shorter harvest growing regions making it so much easier to have fresh produce year-round, it’s not too difficult for most consumers to acquire, say, bananas or citrus fruit in February. But there’s something to be said for a fresh, locally-grown, juicy and flavourful garden harvest,…