Recipe Post: Candy Cane Meringue Kisses

A great, easy to make little “cookie” that is totally gluten-, dairy-, and fat-free, meringue kisses should definitely be in your baking repertoire for when you need a pretty, classy little hostess gift that looks a lot more challenging to make than it is. The hardest thing about these little cuties is activating your patience;…

Recipe Post: DIY Multi-Style Cookies

Oh my, these cookies. So ridiculously easy for being so delicious! And making a 5x batch like we did certainly means that I’ve had cookies galore for oh so many Christmas giftbags this year! This cookie base is amazingly versatile; we came up with our top five variations, as mentioned in a previous post, but…

Recipe Review: Gingerbread Cutout Cookies

I know I’ve already been writing about Christmas cooking and baking, but I’m having trouble grasping the fact that it’s actually time again to talk about holiday baking and all things wintery and December-ish. The lack of snow in our region is also hindering my “Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas” vibes, too….

Recipe Roundup: What to do with your Christmas leftovers

This year’s Christmas celebrations will likely be very different than in previous years; depending on where you are residing, you may be able to meet up with family and friends, or only be able to celebrate with those in your current household. One thing that likely won’t change, however, is there we will all have…

Christmas Baking Recipe Post: Gingerbread Men for DAYS……

Recently, an amazing new friend and I had a hoot and holler of a time at the BirdHouse, making and decorating gingerbread men from scratch. The idea was to batch-bake and decorate a bunch of gingerbread cookies which we would then gift pretty much entirely to a big group of other friends we were hanging…