Recipe Post: Sorrow Bread

From the Archives: When I was in my mid-twenties, *cough cough* years ago, I discovered a previously unknown passion for living on my own. I had initially gone from the family home to a few different cohabitation situations, and I had been quite happy doing this for several years. Eventually, however, my restlessness and dissatisfaction…

Back to Basics: Pantry Staples – Tinned Fruit

Now we’ve been dealing with the Virus That Shall Not Be Named for over a year now, I feel like I may be somewhat late to the table with this advice. However, I feel that there may be a few people out there who have decided the drive-through and Uber Eats Lyfe is no longer…

Recipe Post: Air Fryer Chicken Breast

This recipe is so simple and quick, you’ll wonder why this is even a recipe. The only special equipment you need is an air fryer (duh), and even the spices you can use are incredibly versatile and substitutable to your own tastes. Air Fryer Chicken Breast YIELD: 4 servings | PREP: 10 mins | COOK:…

Recipe Post: Homemade Pizza, Two Ways

If there was ever one thing that, if I had to, I could eat for every meal, it would be pizza. With its endless variety of toppings, this cheesy hot meltiness of awesome is one of my absolutely favourite foods, especially when I’m ordering out for dinner (or lunch, or a late breakfast after a long night,…

Recipe Post: Roasted Cauliflower-Carrot Soup

I’m so glad it’s finally spring; I’ve definitely had enough of winter this year, as I’m sure many of you may agree. However, while I believe that winter is the best time for soup, it’s also an economical choice for lunches year-round, both financially and time-wise. Making up a batch of soup on the weekend…

Recipe Post: Air Fryer Rotisserie-Style Whole Chicken

I’ve had my air fryer for a few years now; I’ll admit I haven’t used it as much as I had originally intended to when I first received it, but a lot of recipes were either for larger portions than my family could eat, or primarily meat-based. This recipe is both of those things (haha),…