Recipe Review: Gluten Free Chocolate Glitter Cookies by Canadian Living

These delicious little chocolatey glitter bombs of deliciousness (did I mention these are delicious?!?) come from my Complete Canadian Living Baking Book. This book has been out for some time but should still be easy to acquire; I highly recommend it! Of my literal *hundreds* of cookbooks, this is one of my top five that…

Recipe Post: Coconutty Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (GF, DF)

It should be pretty apparent that I enjoy developing my own recipes; one of the ways I do this is by converting tried and true “standard” recipes to accommodate certain special diets, as I did with these cookies for a friend who is gluten intolerant. I heard from her recently that she was just finishing…

Recipe Review: Orange Sesame Biscotti

Confession: I baked up these little gems some time ago, but I came across an old photo of the finished product recently, and was transported back into the heady days of culinary school, when my roommate and I decided it would be a great idea to take a baking cookbook and work our way through…

Recipe Post: DIY Multi-Style Cookies

Oh my, these cookies. So ridiculously easy for being so delicious! And making a 5x batch like we did certainly means that I’ve had cookies galore for oh so many Christmas giftbags this year! This cookie base is amazingly versatile; we came up with our top five variations, as mentioned in a previous post, but…

Recipe Post: Christmas Cookie Extravaganza

My friend Kat and I have a festive tradition of going bawls-out over December and trying to BAKE ALL THE THINGS!!! for gifts and our own celebrations. This multi-day effort usually happens at my house because I own all the cool kitchen gadgets EVAR and have a larger kitchen in which to have more than…

Recipe Post: Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies

Waaaay back when, I worked a contract administrative position for an amazing national Art Gallery in my home city. One of the things to know about non-profit organizations or institutions that receive funding from either the public or the government (many of which I have worked in over the course of my administrative career), is…