Spotlight on Spring Produce: Rhubarb

Ahhh, rhubarb. There are few other spring crops that call to me like rhubarb does, saying good weather and hot sunny days are imminent (the others being stars of their own Spotlight on Spring posts this season). Rhubarb is a weirdly named plant whose imprecise origins are somewhat confusing. It was purportedly used in Central…

Recipe Post: Très Leches Cake

(As previously posted in my blog post: “Tips for Better Baking: Dairy Products and other Liquids“) I made this recipe for a cake commission some time ago; it was actually one of my first cake commissions (ever), and while I was still in Culinary School.  A South American coworker had asked if I could find…

Recipe Post: Mile-High Cheddar and Green Onion Biscuits

These biscuits are ridonculously delicious. How do I know? My husband, who cares so little for food other than as a fuel source, and often laments why food doesn’t just come in a convenient pill form so he can skip all of the annoying and time-wasting *chewing*…LOVES these. The first time I made these, he…

Recipe Post: Shepherd’s Pie Extraordinaire!

Since I’m up visiting family, I’ve been indulging my inner gourmet chef (and who wouldn’t, with such a lovely kitchen to work in, compared to my little kitchen closet at home!). It’s only Wednesday, and I’ve already made some very yummy foods. Earlier this week I made a version of Martha Stewart’s Perfect Macaroni and…