Recipe Post: 5-Minute Fruit Sherbets and Sorbets

The weather is definitely heating up in my region, and with that comes a reduction in hunger, energy, and patience. However, my desire for cool treats to soothe my palate and cool down my internal core so my forehead doesn’t melt is at an ALL TIME HIGH. The best, quickest and cheapest method, in my…

Top Ten List: Introduction to Cloves (7th of 10)

This is a little bit of an odd Top Ten list, but I thought I’d take you through my baking cupboard (yes, I have an entire cupboard dedicated solely to baking supplies…um, and another cupboard…and a 4-tier rolling rack…but I digress). Since a Top Ten list would make this blog post too long, I’m splitting…

Recipe and Tutorial: Tropical Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

This recipe is my absolute go-to recipe for all things carrot cake; its origin comes from a trusted recipe in my little More Food That Really Schmecks baking book by my Canadian home-baking heroine, Edna Staebler. I’ve fiddled around with it over the years, adding this and removing/altering that, until I developed what I consider…

Recipe Post: Pineapple-Vanilla Bean Jam

This was the third and final of my three jams I made for my wedding favours last month. I had a difficult time trying to decide which preserve I would make to follow as closely to my “yellow” wedding colour; I was originally considering: Lemon curd (rejected due to it needing refrigeration and having a short…