Recipe Roundup: Bell Peppers

With global food logistics and the expansion of greenhouses in shorter harvest growing regions making it so much easier to have fresh produce year-round, it’s not too difficult for most consumers to acquire, say, bananas or citrus fruit in February. But there’s something to be said for a fresh, locally-grown, juicy and flavourful garden harvest,…

Recipe Post: Crispy Cinnamon Apple Chips

While I usually view apples as an autumn harvest fruit, their longevity when they’re stored properly over the winter months means that they’re usually an available crop for ages. Hence why I have received literally DOZENS in my winter/spring organics boxes this past year, and why my kitchen is currently somewhat awash in Fuji, Royal…

Christmas Baking: Cranberry Maple Nut Tartlets

When I was learning how to bake professionally at college, I had the opportunity to participate in an auction that was being held by one of the Marketing students. And by “participate”, I mean “donate stuff to the raffle” for no remuneration whatsoever. However, I liked the person who asked me, and since I was…

Recipe Post: Rich Vanilla Ice Cream

In my humble opinion, there’s ice cream, and then there’s IIIIIICE CREEEEAAAAMMMM! The standard frozen confection is usually pretty good; you can buy it at the grocery store in tubs ranging from smaller than your hand to bigger than your head, or at the local Baskin Robbins or Dairy Queen or what-have-you (and if you’re…