Back to Basics: Pantry Staples – Tinned Fruit

Now we’ve been dealing with the Virus That Shall Not Be Named for over a year now, I feel like I may be somewhat late to the table with this advice. However, I feel that there may be a few people out there who have decided the drive-through and Uber Eats Lyfe is no longer…

Recipe Roundup: Bell Peppers

With global food logistics and the expansion of greenhouses in shorter harvest growing regions making it so much easier to have fresh produce year-round, it’s not too difficult for most consumers to acquire, say, bananas or citrus fruit in February. But there’s something to be said for a fresh, locally-grown, juicy and flavourful garden harvest,…

Recipe Review: Gluten Free Chocolate Glitter Cookies by Canadian Living

These delicious little chocolatey glitter bombs of deliciousness (did I mention these are delicious?!?) come from my Complete Canadian Living Baking Book. This book has been out for some time but should still be easy to acquire; I highly recommend it! Of my literal *hundreds* of cookbooks, this is one of my top five that…

Recipe Post: Air Fryer Chicken Breast

This recipe is so simple and quick, you’ll wonder why this is even a recipe. The only special equipment you need is an air fryer (duh), and even the spices you can use are incredibly versatile and substitutable to your own tastes. Air Fryer Chicken Breast YIELD: 4 servings | PREP: 10 mins | COOK:…

Recipe Post: Tropical Carrot Cake with Pineapple Cream Cheese Icing

This recipe is my absolute go-to recipe for all things carrot cake; its origin comes from my little More Food That Really Schmecks baking book by Canadian home-cook heroine, Edna Staebler. I’ve fiddled around with it over the years, adding this and removing/altering that, until I developed what I consider to be the best carrot…

Recipe Post: Marinated Pork Loin

Just the other day, I found myself with two quite large boneless pork loins that had been acquired due to a crazy 50% off sale price (shop those discounts, guys!), and knew I had to do *something* with them quickly. Luckily, one of the pork loins was acquired for our friend, but still, one uncut…