2013 Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap – My Matches!

I had some DELICIOUS cookies from my three matches; so much so that I had to make a separate post about how awesome they were! I even took some beautiful pictures of my three packages and their contents, so that I could share their goodness with everyone (as well as the bloggers doing that themselves!)…

The 2013 Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap!!

Yay! I’m so excited!  I’ve just received the email confirming my participation in this year’s cookie swap!  I should receive the two names and addresses of the Canadian food bloggers to whom I’ll be sending a dozen of my most favourite cookies by this coming Monday. Now, to narrow down the choices for which cookie…

Recipe Post: Macarons

So, let’s get this straight right up front: Macaroons (“Mah-kah-ROONS”) are homey, chewy coconut cookies containing condensed milk, and French macarons (“Mah-kah-RAWN” – the “s” is silent) are light, delicate meringue cookies sandwiched together with a luscious filling.  I try not to be a Judgy McJudgypants when people mispronounce words, even though it hurts my…

Recipe Post: Raspberry Jam

The second jam I wanted to make after the “kinda blue” blueberry-nutmeg jam was a nice, deep red, to reflect the red in my wedding colours.  I looked around for other recipes, but I really had my heart set on the gorgeous, jewel-like colours of raspberry jam. Having made it before, I knew how to…

Recipe Post: Blueberry Nutmeg Jam

Being a baker as well as a full-time administrative professional can lead to certain…expectations on the part of friends and family at times.  This was in evidence at my wedding, too!  I just *knew* that if I didn’t make my own cake and do the dessert table myself, my guests would be asking why I…

Recipe Post: Cream Cheese Berry Tarts

These tiny little tartlets are melt-in-your-mouth delicious, if I do say so myself.  I sort of cobbled together a couple of different recipes, changed a few things up, and came up with these little guys for my wedding dessert table last month.Even though the pastry is a little finicky (a light touch and not too…