Recipe Post: Eggnog Fudge

I’ve always loved eggnog; however, my taste for eggnog has never really matured past childhood. If you want to please me during Christmastime (and Christmas ONLY, no other time of year for the ‘nog for me!), then buy me a container. But not the fancy schmancy kind, or dare I say make-your own filled with…

Recipe Post: Puff Pastry Cheese Straws

These are fancy enough for parties of any type (and they’re so quick to make you can still make them for NYE if you choose), but they’re also easy to make so they can be for every day. My apologies to anyone watching their waistlines after indulging a little too much this festive season πŸ˜‰…

Wishing You All Happy Holidays!

My best to you and yours this holiday season! I will be spending Christmas Day and Boxing Day with my household, and will resume posting every second day starting on the 27th. Remember to love one another, and please stay home to stay safe. Alicia xx

Recipe Post: Honeycomb Toffee and Vegan Sponge Candy

This candy is a lot of fun to make, and the payoff is SO WORTH IT, but it does require a candy thermometer for best results, and it’s also DANGEROUS AS HECK to make, so not a good choice for a group project by families of youngsters. I’ve included a recipe for both the regular…

Recipe Post: Candy Cane Meringue Kisses

A great, easy to make little “cookie” that is totally gluten-, dairy-, and fat-free, meringue kisses should definitely be in your baking repertoire for when you need a pretty, classy little hostess gift that looks a lot more challenging to make than it is. The hardest thing about these little cuties is activating your patience;…

Recipe Post: DIY Multi-Style Cookies

Oh my, these cookies. So ridiculously easy for being so delicious! And making a 5x batch like we did certainly means that I’ve had cookies galore for oh so many Christmas giftbags this year! This cookie base is amazingly versatile; we came up with our top five variations, as mentioned in a previous post, but…