Recipe Review: Gluten Free Chocolate Glitter Cookies by Canadian Living

These delicious little chocolatey glitter bombs of deliciousness (did I mention these are delicious?!?) come from my Complete Canadian Living Baking Book. This book has been out for some time but should still be easy to acquire; I highly recommend it! Of my literal *hundreds* of cookbooks, this is one of my top five that…

Recipe Review: Gingerbread Cutout Cookies

I know I’ve already been writing about Christmas cooking and baking, but I’m having trouble grasping the fact that it’s actually time again to talk about holiday baking and all things wintery and December-ish. The lack of snow in our region is also hindering my “Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas” vibes, too….

Recipe Post! Christmas Dinner: Hors D’Oeuvres (Part 2)

This Christmas, my family really pulled out all the stops to make Christmas dinner a feast to remember. We all rallied together in challenging personal circumstances to bring together family and friends for a seating of a nearly a dozen of our nearest and dearest last night. It was wonderful to see those happy, smiling…